At KIF, we welcome a new chapter. Our world headquarters KIF is located in Los Angeles, CA. KIF country and regional chapters are currently based in the United States, Japan and Colombia, as of 2018. Becoming our chapter is simple.
Starting A Country Chapter
Our country chapters are national members based in capitals of those nations. For examples, "KIF Japan" based in Tokyo, "KIF Colombia" based in Bogota, "KIF France" based in Paris, "KIF Australia" based in Canberra.
A national charter MUST do the followings;
- Have 2 or more national board members with no criminal records who reside in the capital;
- Have 1 or more existing regional chapter members;
- Pay an annual membership fee to KIF World Headquarters;
- Collect annual membership fees from the regional chapters of the country;
- Create its own national bylaws that follow KIF guidance, rule and bylaws; and
- Follow other international guidance, rules and bylaws of KIF World Headquarters.
Starting A Regional Chapter
Our regional chapters can be created based on "states/prefecture/province/departments", "counties" or "cities". For example, "KIF California" for a state level, "KIF Los Angeles County" for a county level or "KIF London" for a city level.
A regional charter MUST do the followings;
- Have 2 or more local board members with no criminal records who reside in the region;
- Create its own regional bylaws that follow its national bylaws and/or international guidance, rules and bylaws;
- Pay an annual member fee to its national chapter or KIF World HQ if there's no national chapter; and
- Follow other national bylaws and international guidance, rules and bylaws of KIF World Headquarters.