Disney Difference by Walt Disney Asia/Japan President

KIF Okayama and Japan-America Society of Kagoshima hosted the lecture “Disney Difference”, lectured by Mr. Paul Candland, the Managing Director of the Walt Disney Japan. The event took place in front of 250 University students, local businessmen and owners at the Kagoshima Sun Royal Hotel in Kagoshima City.

Mr. Tadataka Shimotakehara, Chairmen of the KIF Kagoshima and the Japan-America Society of Kagoshima gave the opening remark of welcoming the audience and Mr. Candland. Mr. Shimotakehara was officially appointed as the Chairman of the KIF Kagoshima in October 2013. He has been not only a dedicated and passionate supporter of the KIF Kagoshima, but also a great leader to produce this successful event since his appointment as the Chairman. Mr. Shimatakehara is the CEO of his own high-end famous resort hotel called Ibusuki Hakusuikan in Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Mr. Shimotakehara introduced Mr. Candland to the audience.

Mr. Candland shared the audience how much Mr. Walt Disney, Founder of the Walt Disney Company was determined to pursue his dream and succeed his company without giving up. He also shared them casually how Mr. Disney has continued to challenge new things and undergone his sucess and failure in life.

The audience was honored and pleased to have his presence and learn about Disney in Kagoshima.