Guardian Girls Karate Demo at EKF Senior Championships 🇪🇸

Held during the final bouts of the EKF Senior Championships on Saturday afternoon and broadcast live on a number of TV networks around the world and the WKF YouTube channel, the demonstration of Karate techniques and their application to women’s self-defence wrapped up the activities in Spain.

The demonstration was conducted by WKF Instructor Teresa García Pérez and assistant Sonia Buitrón, with the cooperation of Agustin García, Héctor San Miguel, and Jesús Rodríguez.

Through a display of some of the most frequent situations of violence against women, the efficiency of Karate was showcased as the participants demonstrated simple but effective solutions to confront these acts of violence.

European Karate Championships. Multiusos Arena (Guadalajara) 22 to 26-03-2023.